Top 3 performance indicators of staff recruitment and selection

In the competitive environment in which we operate during this period, the performance of human resources processes becomes a mandatory and defining topic in business decision-making processes.
Although recruitment and selection of staff is still something that happens within many companies anyway, remaining unmeasurable processes, monitoring them brings visible benefits to the company and has a considerable impact in motivating HR specialists, giving them the opportunity to acknowlege the effort submitted and the result that comes from filling one or more vacancies within the companies in which they are employed.

The 3 most used performance indicators (KPIs) for staff recruitment and selection processes are:
1. Employment acceptance rate (RAO)
An increased rate of acceptance of offers means a fluid recruitment and selection process, understanding the job specifications; it mirrors the company's effort to harmonize its requirements with the needs of the vacant workforce.
2. The time required to fill a vacancy
This indicator promotes stability within the company.
It measures the time required to fill a vacancy from the moment it expresses the need to fill it.
3. Quality of recruitment and selection
This indicator measures the performance and retention of a new employee for a period that can vary from 6 months to 1 year, depending on the company's procedures (eg integration of new employees).
A low rate of this indicator means improper selections with an impact both on recruitment costs and on productivity.
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