TWI - Training Within Industry

TWI - Training Within Industry is a structured training program implemented in the USA during World War II to help the manufacturing industries achieve its production goals with the available workforce through training within the factory, industry.

It is currently used as a support in organizational culture changes with an emphasis on training by implementing a set of relevant fundamental principles and a structured approach to employee training.

TWI's main components are made up of fundamental modules, each with a clear purpose in developing workplace competencies, these are:

  • Program development, shows organizations how to plan and administer training programs with their employees within the organization, to eliminate or anticipate problems
  • Job instruction, teaches trainers how to properly train employees to perform their work correctly, maintaining a high level of quality, safety and productivity
  • Job methods, helps employees and supervisors analyze and optimize work methods to increase efficiency and eliminate non-value activities. Encourages employees to step out of their comfort zone to discover ways to improve manufacturing processes
  • Job relations, teaches employees how to resolve conflicts effectively to achieve their goals. Focuses on developing positive relationships between supervisors and employees to improve collaboration and team morale.

By implementing the TWI concept, training is faster and more efficient, errors are reduced, thus improving product quality, working methods are standardized, efficiency and productivity increase, and relationships between employees and supervisors are improved.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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