VDA 6.3: 2016 - why do our customers "stress" us?

Life in a provider organization for the automotive industry is very ... alive. You just don't get bored. One of the special moments is when the customer announces that he is following a process audit according to VDA6.3, whether we are talking about a potential analysis or a process evaluation in series production.

What and how do you continue? What is this and what does this VDA6.3 help us with?
According to VDA6.3, process audit is a method of impartial analysis and evaluation of product development and realization, with the purpose of verifying the conformity of the production process with the requirements and specifications: legal, from the client, internal.

One of the important aspects of the standard, which is discussed quite a bit, is that of the competencies needed to perform process audits according to VDA6.3, the standard making a clear distinction between internal process auditor, process auditor at supplier and auditor of process. external process (third party).

The process audit according to VDA6.3 can and should be carried out throughout the product life cycle, by following the various process elements:
  • P1 Potential analysis
  • P2 Project management
  • P3 Product and process development planning
  • P4 Implementation of product and process development
  • P5 Management suppliers
  • P6 Process analysis (production)
  • P7 Customer support, customer satisfaction, sales post

The phases of the process audit according to VDA6.3 are:
  • Realization of audit program and clarification of audit request
  • Training
  • Audit
  • evaluation
  • Presentation of results
  • Tracking and closing

The outcome of the evaluation will play a decisive role for the future relationship with that client.
If we talk about potential analysis, we want to be "on the green" that is, as the name implies, the client to consider us as potential suppliers for the future.
If we are talking about an evaluation of a process in series production, we want to obtain at least 90% and "class" A.

If you want to know more about the requirements of the VDA6.3 standard, including how to perform a process audit according to this standard, we invite you to visit our website www.effectiveflux.com
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