VSM how and when to use

When and how to use VSM

We usually use VSM when waste needs to be eliminated while simultaneously improving quality and response time to customer requests.

The VSM is a picture of the flow of materials, information, equipment and people in a complex system at a given time.

But this picture (“VSM – current state”) has no value without defining what the picture will look like in the future, i.e. VSM – future state.

Also, VSM – future state has no value without defining a plan for how to get there – tactical implementation plan.

When creating a VSM for the future stage, it is necessary to consider:

Don't wait until the VSM - the current stage is perfect
Go through the entire flow (physical) and involve everyone who has knowledge on the attacked subjects
Define the takt time, i.e. the rate at which the customer wants the products
Identify the business model you are using (make-to-order, supermarket,...)
We have a continuous flow or can implement it, which is the process step that sets the pace
We have what we need to implement a pull system for materials. For example, depending on the situation we can either create or eliminate a supermarket
Overproduction is the type of waste with the greatest impact of all types of waste because it includes all the others. Therefore it will have to be eliminated wherever it appears in the flow. The most common method of doing this is to plan the process step that sets the pace (pacemaker) and to link all the other steps to it.
If VSM is for production, it will be critical to level production at the pace that sets the pace (pacemaker).
Define the optimal batch/order size for the pacemaker and also if there are activities that can be reduced, excluded or moved.
I have met many companies that immediately after completing the Current Stage of VSM rush to plan Kaizen activities without asking how they will contribute to improving the entire value stream or how they will be felt by customers.

But having answered the points above, we will be able to define much more impactful Kaizen activities to create the future status of VSM.

Good luck!
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