VSM - Value Stream Mapping

VSM - Value Stream Mapping is a visual representation of the flow of materials, information and people in a complex system. By including materials and information, VSM differs from a traditional process flow map; this method was originally developed in the TPS (Toyota Production System) as "Material and Information Flow Diagrams", and in 1999 - Mike Rother and John Shook published the book "Learning to see". They pioneered the introduction of material and information flow diagrams and “lean” thinking using this practice. The purpose of creating such a detailed map is to facilitate a common understanding of this flow, shared by all stakeholders, in order to improve the process by eliminating losses with value-added steps.

VSM belongs to the category of Lean tools (same production philosophy, the same guiding principle, which focuses on eliminating losses, so that all activities bring value from the customer's perspective) and fulfills the 5 primary principles:

  1. Defining value: understanding what value means to the customer, what they are willing to pay for.
  2. Flow mapping: identifying all activities that contribute to values ​​and eliminating activities that are worthless and unnecessary.
  3. Flow creation: the creation of a value chain in which the flow takes place without delay and is uninterrupted.
  4. Establishment of a “pull” type system: the products are created when they are needed and in the necessary quantities, following the value flow and working through the production system.
  5. The pursuit of perfection: All employees strive for perfection while delivering products based on customer needs, learning and finding ways to become a little better every day.

The efficient realization of a VSM follows the structure:

- product family selection

- mapping the current state

- future state mapping (eliminating process losses and constraints)

- implementation and optimization plan

It is important to mention the aspects that can make the difference between a “good” or “bad” VSM: the correct identification of the product family during the process, flow charts to verify with reality, training of participants, compliance with the plan, correct data collection, transparency in communication.
VSM is a tool that is applied by a multidisciplinary team (not individually!), coordinated by a specialist, so that it is a guaranteed success that brings measurable benefits to any organization.
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