
Effective Flux is permanently interested in talented people.

We are looking for future colleagues who are passionate about improving the quality and efficiency of processes as well as aspects of organizational perspective.

Depending on customer requirements, we are open for both full commitment and for collaboration on projects.

Effective Flux is a modern and flexible company because we can work together even if your home town is not Arad.

If you have minimum 10 years experience in the areas below, preferably in the automotive industry and want to occupy a position of Consultant (full time / part-time) with opportunities for positive development not hesitate to send us your CV to the address

The areas of interest are: Quality, Lean, Industrial Engineering, Maintenance, Six Sigma, logistics, continuous improvement, Organizational Development and Technical Drawing.

We look forward to your CV and we want you to take part in successes and our team, located in a expansion process from year to year.

We assure you that we will treat with utmost confidentiality your intention to join us, whatever the outcome.

Effective Flux team
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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