SWOT Analysis

Length: 2 days


Objectives: Understanding risk analysis and opportunities (SWOT) for any activity within an organization. The learners will understand what SWOT is, What are the advantages and limitations of the SWOT analysis, How to make a SWOT analysis, How to identify Strengths and Weaknesses, How to discover Opportunities and Threats. Learn to use help tools such as Brainstorming and Prioritization in SWOT. The course will be conducted with a practical application in the organization's field of activity.

Target audience: Staff from support processes and core processes of any organization, Management.

Duration: 2 days

• Introduction
• Introduction to SWOT
• Brainstorming and Prioritization in SWOT analysis
• Description and implementation of the SWOT analysis steps
1. S - Strengths - Strengths
2. W - "Weaknesses" - Weaknesses
3. O - Opportunities - Opportunities
4. T - "Threats" - Threats
• Prioritization & Action Plan
• Discussion. Examination. Closing the course
Trainer with over 15 years of experience in industry and consultancy with expertise in the use of training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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