The Art of Negociation

Length: 2 days


Objectives: following the participation in this course, participants will know to:

- Prepare a negotiation and apply effectively the information gathered.
- Identify the negotiating partner's behavioral profile and use the most appropriate approach.
- Successfully use communication skills (verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal) to successfully conclude a negotiation.
- Apply in practice techniques and strategies that ensure the success of a negotiation

Target audience: The course is addressed to all people engaged in negotiation activities (sales, customer relationships or suppliers, other business partners, etc.)

Duration: 2 days

• Introduction
• Negotiation elements
• Prepare a negotiation
• Partner Negotiation Profile
• Techniques and principles used in negotiations
• Communication, the basic tool in negotiation
• Objections = Opportunities, overcoming objections
• Finalize negotiation
• Questions and answers, verifying the degree of assimilation of knowledge, closing the course

Training Tools: interactive sessions, exercises, role-plays, simulations, games, group discussions and focused discussions are used throughout the sessions to increase the level of knowledge assimilation and skill development.

Consultant: Over 20 years of experience in training and consulting, with expertise in using training tools and techniques as well as group psychology knowledge.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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