Internal Auditor ISO 14001

Length: 3 days


Objectives: Presentation of the ISO 14001 standard. Integration of the environment into the quality approach. Implementation of an environmental management system. Harmonization with the European conception. Introduction of ISO 19011 Management System Auditing Standard.

Target audience: Top and middle managers. Employees responsible for the environment. Employees in charge of quality.

Duration: 3 days

Training agenda:
(Participants will be trained in dialogues, practical exercises and case studies)

Day 1
• Introduction
• National, European and international environmental legislation
• Definitions, aspects and preliminary environmental analysis
• Identification of environmental aspects
• Preliminary environmental analysis
• ISO 14000 series of standards

Day 2
• Environmental management system requirements
• Implementation of the environmental management system
• Documentation of the environmental management system

Day 3
• Introduction to ISO 19011
• The role of audit in the quality management system
• Basic concepts
• Auditing principles
• Audit program
• Audit activities
• Lead the audit program
• Audit activities
• Case studies
• Competence and evaluation of auditors
• Selecting the appropriate method for assessing the auditor
• Auditor's assessment
• Maintaining and improving the auditor's expertise
• Examination

Trainer with more than 10 years experience in industry and consulting with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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