CNC (advanced)

Length: 5 days


Objectives: The trainees will assimilate the knowledge required for CNC operation at an advanced level.

Target audience: CNC Operators (metal cutting) at least 90 days as a CNC operator, engineering, personnel interested in operating and programming CNC machine tools.

Duration: 5 days

1. Introduction to CNC
• Definition and classification of the program command
• Numerical control equipment
• Numerical Control (NC) Numerical Control
• Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
• Numerical control equipment
o Positioning numerical control equipment
o Numerical control equipment for linear processing
o Numerical control equipment for contouring

2. Influence of the numerical control on machine tools construction
• Main drive
• The main tree
• Feed advance
o Ball balls
• Machine tool guides

3. Elements of the NC programming language.
• Preparatory,
• Auxiliary functions,
• Technological features.
• Linear interpolation,
• Circular interpolation.
• Radius of the cutting tool.
• equidistant

4. Coordinates and coordinate systems
• Position of coordinate systems
• Absolute Coordinates
• Relative coordinates
• Cartesian Coordinates

5. Information in programming language of numeric control equipment
• Information and classification
• Dimensional information
• Technological information
• Travel information

6. Presentation and selection of technological parameters for the turning / milling operation

7. Instructions in basic programming
• Reading a NC program
• Examples in reading, understanding NC programs

8. Designing NC programs

9. Understanding NC programs
• applications, processing strategies
• pocket creation applications
• threaded applications

10. Case Study 1
Applications of processing cycles:
• Examples in reading, understanding NC programs
• Examples of reading, understanding NC programs: processing a circular pocket G12 / 13, machining holes arranged on a line G72, G70, G81, G83,

11. Case study 2
• Examples in reading, understanding the NC program generation of circular interpolation G02, G03.
• Examples in reading, understanding the NC programs for generating circular interpolation using the G41, G42
12. Operation and adjustment on CNC machines
• Set zero point
• Setting and adjusting cutting tools on machine tools
• Entering Tool Corrections
• Introducing programs on the car
• Edit the program
• Program deletion
• Simulation of programs

University trainer with more than 30 years of theoretical and practical experience in the field of numerical machine tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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