CNC (introduction)

Length: 4 days


Objectives: The trainees will assimilate the knowledge needed to operate CNC at a basic level.

Target audience: CNC operators (cutting jobs) in preparation or a level of basic knowledge, technology engineers, personnel interested in acquiring basic CNC knowledge

Duration: 4 days

Training agenda:
1. The coordinate system and the zero point of the track

2. Basic geometric instructions
• Determining the points that define the geometry of the piece
• Absolute / incremental programming
• G1 Travel with work advance
o Programming in absolute coordinates
o Programming in incremental coordinates
o G2 / G3 Circular interpolation
• Outline description
o Description of contour with R and K
o Description of contour with I and K

3. Basic technological parameters
• Main shaft speed S
• Advance - F
• Advance speed - vf
• Cutting speed - S
• Speed ​​limitation
• Theoretical Cutting Parameters
Roughing it
a hole
• Cutting parameters in practice
Roughing it
a finish
a Grooving
a hole
• T and M functions
o Selecting and defining the cutting tool T

4. From the technical drawing to the piece execution
• Introduction to programming
o Special commands
o G40, G41 and G42 commands
o G54 ... G59 commands
o G53 command
• Introduction to the generation of processing cycles

5. Elaboration of the NC program

6. Entering the CN program in the tool machine

7. Simulate the NC program

8. Setting the cutting tools on the machine

9. "zero track" setting

10. Running CNC programs on machine tools

University trainer with more than 30 years of theoretical and practical experience in the field of numerical machine tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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