Change leadership

Length: 2 days


Objectives: To understand the principles and importance of leadership and change management, and how change management facilitates the implementation of the strategy in an organization or collectivity (office, department, team). Develop learners' skills to influence and lead people, to be agents of change in their workplace.

Target audience: Staff with management positions (middle or senior level) from production and / or service companies involved in the management / management of teams, departments, divisions or organizations / institutions implementing or to implement changes - project managers, leaders team, department / workshop heads, production / sales / logistics directors, general managers.

Duration: 2 days + possibility of another day of consultancy / coaching on proposed projects / change initiatives proposed by the students.

Training agenda:
• Introduction
• Understanding Change - Taking into account all its dimensions
• Identification of the main elements and challenges in conducting change
• Understand the organization you are trying to change
• Mobilizing resources / resources for change and maintaining speed
• How do we tackle resistance to change?
• Influencing without authority
• Argumentation of a pressing need for change
• Guidance to others during change
• Transforming accumulated knowledge into action - planning personal actions
• Examples and practical applications
• Discussions. Exam and completion of the course

Experience over 20 years in leadership positions (middle and senior management), change management, improving product / service quality and process optimization in industry and services.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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