Customer Service

Length: 2 days


Objectives: The training will provide you with basics in customer relationship - elements in ordering and processing orders, predictive order processing, specific documentation, transit times, and customer order management modes. Soft skills: communication, conflict and negotiation.

Target audience: Addresses employees from different organizations working in the Customer Service or who have direct professional relationships with the Customer Service. Personnel from production or service companies involved in running, controlling or directing customer order processes and customer relationship; transport managers, Logistics specialists, Sales and Acquisitions, warehouse officers, department heads, etc.

Duration: 2 days

  • Introduction
     o Presentation of participants, reader and cash flow
  • Logistics vs. Supply Chain Management
     o Logistics History - Supply Chain
  • Customer Service attributions and functionalities
     o What customer service is and what it is about
     o The role of CS in an organization
     o Responsible vs. Functional
     o Methods of communication
     o Efficiency and effectiveness for customer service
  • Internal customers and external customers
     o Types of clients
     o Defining and meeting customer needs
     o Priorities and matrix of priorities
     o Clients - free discussion
  • Orders and forecasting
     o Forecasting, forecasting and processing
     o Orders and safety stocks
     o The life cycle of a product and safety stocks
     o Practical exercise - Calculation of safety stock and order point
  • Order processing
     o Types of orders
     o Receiving and processing orders
     o Basics of Production Planning
  • Execution and delivery of orders or Customer Service LEAN
     o Elements to be taken into account when scheduling shipments to customers
     o Exercise Cube trucks
     o Picking and loading trucks
     o Documents for loading and customs procedures
  • Delivery conditions, prices, discounts and invoices
     o Delivery terms
     o What is the price of a product?
     o Discounts, payment terms and invoices
     o Fraud and anti-fraud measures
  • Evaluation of the level of service offered to clients
     o What is the level of service?
     o Measurement, evaluation and improvement of the service level
     o Complaints, ways to take complaints - action plan
     o Exercise - customer urgency
  • Communication and negotiation
     o Communication, types of communication and successful communication
     o Negotiation and types of negotiation
     o Conflict and conflict resolution
  • Measurable indicators for Customer Service
  • Discussions, test and closing of the course

Diploma: Graduation certificate will be issued after attending the course and passing the exam

Trainer: Over 10 years of experience in industry and consulting with expertise in the use of training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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