Operational excellence for senior managers (OPEX)

Length: 2 days


Objectives: Understand the principles, tools and process of implementing Operational Excellence (OPEX) in organizations to improve the quality of processes and products / services by optimizing the operation of companies as a whole.

Target audience: Managerial staff, medium or senior, financial or production and repair / service companies, engineers, economists, industrial managers, consultants involved in change management within transformational processes in companies.

Duration: 2 days + consulting / coaching to solve practical problems, depending on the customer's choice

Training agenda:
• Introduction
• What is operational excellence
• Major areas of operational excellence
• Planning and implementing the strategy
  • Introduction to strategy planning
  • Strategic Maps
  • about Hoshin Kanri
• Performance management
  • Aligning to the strategy
  • Strategic objectives and focuses
  • Critical Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Objectives / targets
  • Initiatives and programs
• Excellence of processes
  • Systematic methods for solving team problems (8D)
  • Lean manufacturing and lean management
  • Six Sigma methodology
• Organizing efficient and performing teams
  • Secrets of performing teams: involvement / commitment, education, empowerment
  • The spirit of the squirrel
  • The Beaver Approach
  • Goose gift
• Discussion. Examination. Close course

Experience over 15 years in improving product quality and optimizing processes in industry and services.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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