Field Failure Analysis

Category: QUALITY
Length: 2 days


Objectives: Description of a standardized process for market return analysis, considering the underlying and support processes involved, as well as the interfaces between them.

Description of a standardized procedure for identifying the causes of removal of the product from the vehicle, especially when the analysis performed by the organization (supplier) does not detect any defect - NTF. The analysis and procedure must consider the whole process
(system) from the OEM customer, distributor (dealer) and organization (vendor).

Description of the process of analysis of the problem in the market - 8D according to VDA 4.

Description of process planning process and resources needed for market return analysis to be effectively implemented.

Description of performance indicators and continuous improvement process of analysis, considering the efficiency and effectiveness of the process using the PDCA cycle.

Description of the various aspects to be considered for making decisions about what products are returned for analysis, logistic and transport activities, interfaces, and data exchange for returns on the market.

Description of the audit standard for the market return analysis process, including references to various standards.

Target audience: Personnel involved in the process of market return analysis - Quality, Process Engineering, Production, Maintenance

Duration: 2 days


Day 1
• Introduction
• Introduction to Field Failure Analysis
• Field Failure Analysis
• No Trouble Found (NTF)
• Problem Analysis (8D) + Application

Day 2
• Planning
• Performance indicators
• Continuous improvement
• Strategy returns
• Logistics, transport
• Interfaces and data exchange
• Audit + Application
• Discussions. Examination. Close course

Trainer with over 15 years of experience in industry and consultancy with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

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