Category: QUALITY
Length: 3 days


Objectives: Creating the basic competencies for entering and processing data in the APIS software.

Target audience: staff from production and / or service companies, involved in continuous improvement activities - engineers from quality departments, process engineers, maintenance engineers.

Duration: 3 days (on the third day of the course will focus on practical applications - for real situations from the client).

• Introduction,
• Introductory notions about FMEA,
• Presentation of the APIS IQ work interface.
• Indication of basic commands,
• Defining system elements and structure,
• Creating the FMEA structure, introducing process and product features,
• Introduction of preventive measures and detection,
• Creating links between the cause and the mode of failure,
• Generation of FMEA and CP (Control Plan) documents,
• Statistical processing of the entered data: Pareto RPN, Risk Matrix, Frequency Analysis,
• Practical computer applications (requires IQ-RM software installed),
• Discussions. Examination. End of course.

APIS IQ certificate, with relevant experience in the automotive industry, acquired within renowned multinational companies.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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