GDPR: Practical implementation

Length: 2 days


Objectives: At the end of the course the participants will have acquired knowledge as well as will be familiar with:
• The objectives and the scope of the GDPR, the obligations of the data operators,
• Legality of data processing and the correct use of consent, Risk analysis and treatment, implementation of GDPR requirements at company level for online and offline activities,
• Organizational, technical and non-technical security measures for data protection.

Target audience: personnel from companies or public institutions that collect / process personal data during daily activities, management / management personnel, data protection officers designated within companies.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
Day 1 - Module 1:
• Introduction
• Presentation of the GDPR regulation and legislation in the field, Introduction and presentation of the GDPR context;
• Legality of the processing of personal data;
• Obligations of data operators; Risks associated with data processing;
• Ways of responding to requests for exercise of rights and security incidents;
• Presentation of how data processing investigations are conducted; Data protection officer; Implementation of the GDPR by its own means, kits or external consultant.

Day 1 - Module 2:
• Practical implementation - analysis of data processing
• Mapping of data processing;
• Preparation of the Register of data processing records;
• Analyzing the legality of data processing and establishing measures to minimize data;
• DPIA impact assessment; Balance test of legitimate interest.

Day 2 - Module 3:
• Practical implementation - establishing security measures and data protection
• Establishing security guarantees for data processing;
• Administrative and organizational measures;
• Technical security measures;
• Tests and checks; The concepts of Privacy by design and Privacy by default.

Day 2 - Module 4:
• Discussions and questions; Examination;
• Completion of course.

Tools presented: DPIA analysis, legitimate interest analysis

Over 18 years experience in IT / software, GDPR implementation consulting and security solutions.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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