Built in Quality (BIQ)

Category: QUALITY
Length: 2 days


- Understanding the process by which the mentality / organizational culture expressed by the 3 NOs can be implemented and maintained in a company: “I do not accept, I do not produce and I do not deliver non-compliant products” (theoretical part - activity carried out online or in the gym).
- Concrete application of BIQ tools to solve current problems of the company (practical part - direct activity with each student or group in the same company).

Target audience: Personnel from production or service companies, involved in the development, control or management of processes in the departments of quality, production, continuous improvement, as well as personnel involved in internal system, process or product audits.

Duration: 2 days

• Introduction, objectives, content
• BIQ overview and history
• BIQ elements
  o Standard operations sheet and standard sheet when changing the reference
  o Visual management
  o Poka Yoke
  o 5S
  o Problem signaling and escalation process
  o Fast problem solving (RPS) and specific forms (eg 8D)
  o Analysis of root causes (5 why, Ishikawa)
  o Change management and introduction of new products
  o Audits
  o Statistical control of processes
  o BIQ for new or approved products
  o Non-compliant product management
  o Quality assurance matrix
  o Customer protection
• Checklist examples for BIQ maturity audit
• Discussions, examination, closing of the course.

Trainer: Over 20 years of experience in top industries, with expertise in BIQ.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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