Preventive maintenance

Length: 2 days


Objectives: Introduction to the Organization of Preventive Maintenance. Stages of Preventive Maintenance Implementation. Benefits.

Target audience: Personnel from manufacturing or service companies involved in running, controlling or managing processes - engineers in maintenance, quality, process engineering, production, department heads, Logistics specialists, Customer Service, etc.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
• Vision, purpose, principles
• Equipment management
• Implementation phases of preventive maintenance (3 phases)
• Work plans
• Working orders - preventive and corrective
• Reports
• Push buttons (display panels)
• Corrective and preventive actions (definitions - understanding the concept)
• Responsibilities
• Black weight - FRACAS
• Maturity versatility
• Continuous improvement - the PDCA concept

Trainer with more than 10 years experience in industry and consulting with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us:

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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