Introduction in plastic products

Length: 2 days


Objectives: Presentation and familiarization of participants in the analysis of plastics (polymers) for quality control of parts obtained by processing by injection - spectroscopy and thermal analysis. These techniques help to identify the physico-chemical changes of the material that can take place in the injection process and that can influence the performance / quality of the finished product.

Target audience: Quality controllers, process and quality engineers, production managers.

Duration: 2 days


• Introduction
• Notions of thermoplastic materials
  o Define
  o Obtaining
  o Thermoplastic materials
  o Structure (morphology)
  o Characterization (characterization elements)
  o Classification / types of plastics
  o Additives (fiberglass, talc)

• Properties
  o Chemistry
  o Physical
      Tensile strength
      Shock resistance
      Glass transition temperature
      Density

• Ways of yielding plastics
  o Degradation of plastics (thermal, thermooxidative, hydrolytic, photolytic)
  o Flowing
  o Fatigue

• Investigating the disposal of plastics
  o Case studies

• Notions of injection molding
  o Injection machines
  o Injection cycle
  o Factors that influence the properties of plastics during processing
  o Defects that may occur when processing by injection + repair

• Discussions. Examination. Close course

Over 20 years of experience in the industry and consulting with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

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310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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