Minitab introduction

Length: 2 days


Objectives: To understand the basic concepts of the MINITAB software and the tools used in MSA, SPC at the introductory level. The course presents the basic use of statistical software and very briefly how simple tools such as Pareto, Normality Plot, SPC, MSA, regression can be used. Understanding data collection, processing, and analysis approach and especially their use in making the right decisions.

Target audience: Personnel from production or services companies involved with data analysis activities, decision making and continuous improvement activities.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
• Introduction, presents general notions about data types, sampling methods as well as the main graphical analysis tools.
• For a faster and more accurate data processing, one of the most popular software will be used: MINITAB.
• The training abounds in exercises, case studies and classroom applications, using intensive the statistical software which is practically learned in parallel with tools application.
• Requires access to PCs with the statistical software installed (for details, contact us)

Presented tools
• Basic Statistics
• Introduction in MINITAB
• Graphical analysis tools (Dot plot, Histogram, Pareto, Probability plot)
• Statistical Process Control (SPC)
• Control Charts (I-MR, Xbar-R, P chart, U chart)
• Capability study (Cpk, Cp, Ppk, Pp, Cmk)
• Introduction to Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
• MSA for continuous data
• MSA for discrete data

For greater interactivity and understanding, the MINITAB software will be used. We recommend access to PCs (2 participants/PCs) to be installed (free, trial version) MINITAB. MINITAB software can be downloaded for free for 30 days from (

Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt, specialized in the control and optimization of production processes, quality, maintenance, logistics and human resources. Relevant experience in successful application of tools in automotive industry and other industries.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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