Logistics of Production Processes

Length: 2 days


Objectives: The training will provide you with the elements regarding the flow of materials in the Production area, methods of feeding and storage in WIP. Also addressed are the implementation of information systems for managing the flow of materials in WIP and the areas generating problems.

Target audience: It is addressed to employees from different organizations working within the SCM or who have direct professional links with any of the SCM component parts. Personnel from production or service companies, involved in the development, control or management of SCM processes: Planners (production / material); responsible for transport, specialists in Logistics, Customer Service and Procurement, warehouse managers, exchange heads and production operators, department heads, etc.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
  • Introduction
     o Presentation of participants, reader and cash flow
  • Logistics vs. Supply Chain Management
     o Logistics History - Supply Chain
  • Materials in Production - Work in Progress WIP
     o What is WIP?
     o Production types
     o PUSH production
     o PULL production
     o MTO production
     o MTS production
     o Production logistics
     o Types of Production Planning
     o Required Raw Materials - BOM
  • Internal flow of raw materials
     o The internal flow of materials and its critical points
     o VSM (value stream mapping) and other possibilities to improve the internal flow of materials
  • Methods of supplying production lines
     o KANBAN - advantages and disadvantages
     o KANBAN 3-bin - advantages and disadvantages
     o KANBAN 2-bin - advantages and disadvantages
     o One Piece Flow
  • Types of storage of raw materials and subassemblies
     o Production layout
     o LEAN production
     o LEAN Loss Exercise
     o Spaghetti Diagram
     o Space efficiency and optimization
     o Calculation of the definition of raw materials areas - exercise (with the customer data)
  • WIP computer systems
     o Types of ERP in Production
     o EDI / MRP / MPS
     o Scanning and barcodes
     o MIN / MAX in ERP
  • Delivery of finished products
  • Treatment of Gray areas
     o Defining gray areas (responsibilities not defined)
     o Treating different problems that arise due to gray areas
  • Measurable indicators
  • Discussions. Examination. Training closure

Trainer in logistics with more than 10 years of experience as a logistics manager with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us:

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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