Material Stocks Management

Length: 2 days


Objectives: The trainees will assimilate the knowledge necessary for the importance of the Reception / Storage and Stock Accuracy processes.

Target audience: planners (production / material); transport managers, logistics specialists, WH Responsible, Customer Service, etc.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
  • Introduction
     o Presentation of participants, reader and cash flow
  • Logistics, SCM and warehousing of raw materials
     o Logistics History - Supply Chain
  • Unloading of raw materials
     o The process of unloading raw materials
     o Download equipment
     o Factors to consider when scheduling downloads
     o Download scheduling exercise
  • Reception of raw materials
     o Quantitative and qualitative reception
     o Goods receipt documents
     o Places for the reception of goods
  • Storage of raw materials
     o Ways of storing raw materials
     o Modalities of internal transport for storage of raw materials
     o Take stock
     o Ways of arranging the deposits of raw materials
  • High consumption items versus low consumption items
     o Ways of sharing the items in the warehouse
     o XYZ consumption variation of articles
     o The value of ABC articles
     o Exercise calculating ABC value
     o FIFO - First In First Out
  • Defining safety stocks
     o Safety stocks and transit times
     o Periods re-evaluation and re-calculation of safety stocks
     o Practical exercise Calculating safety stocks
  • Cyclic Inventory and Inventory
     o Inventory - definition and legislation
     o Inventory modalities - Cycle Count
     o Results and records of inventories, archiving, responsibilities
  • Preparation of supplies of raw materials in Production
     o Commodity orders from Production - how does an order appear?
     o Types of orders Raw Materials from Production
     o Preparation of deliveries - necessary elements
  • Emergency management (e.g. Non-compliant material / Incidents / Damaged goods, etc.).

Trainer in the field of logistics with over 10 years experience as a logistics manager with expertise in the use of training and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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