Transport Management

Length: 2 days


Objective: Within the course will be discussed ways of organizing transports, ways of loading and arranging the goods according to the mode of transport, documents and basic rules in transport, outsourcing the transport service and measurable indicators that can be applied to the transport service

Target audience: planners (production / material); transport managers, logistics specialists, warehouse managers, customer service.

Duration: 2 days

• Introduction
• Supply Chain Management - Logistics - Transport
     • The components of a logistics system
     • Flow Supply Chain Management
• Transport types (air / sea / road / parcel) + practical application
     • Land transport (road / rail)
     • Truck types + practical application
     • Shipping (types of containers)
     • Air transport
     • Inter-modal transports
     • Practical application (customer urgency)
• Basic Packing / Staking / Weight rules,
• Basic rules for each type of transport,
     • Obligations Supplier / carrier / customer
     • Security seals
• Transport orders and delivery conditions
• Alternative modalities
     • Double Decks,
     • Container side loading
• Outsourcing and external transport providers
     • Logistic centers
     • Matrices and loading and delivery programs
     • Practical application - download scheduling
• Measurable indicators
• Changes in the quality standard for Supply Chain Management

Lector în domeniul logistic cu experiență de peste 10 ani pe pozitie de manager logistică cu expertiză în utilizarea instrumentelor din curs și instruire.

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Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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