Plastic materials. Properties and behaviors during use and hot processing

Length: 2 days



• Introduction to plastics - familiarization with basic notions of classification, obtaining, types of plastics
• Familiarize the target audience with the main properties of plastics - chemical, physical and some methods of analysis
• Familiarize the target audience with the behavior of plastics during hot processing
• Familiarize the target audience with plastic release modes, factors that influence properties during processing and use
• Familiarize the target audience with how to investigate the release of plastics during use

At the end of this training, the students will have a better understanding of the plastics, how they behave in hot processing and how the material is disposed of during use. Also, this course will familiarize participants with the main steps to be taken to investigate material release, presenting and case studies for a better understanding of the process.

Target audience: Plastic injection machine operators, quality controllers, process and quality engineers, production bosses.

Duration: 2 days

• Introduction
• Rating / properties
• Classification of plastics
• Types of plastic
• Plastics processing - injection
• Degradation of polymers
• Polymers stabilization
• Mechanical properties of plastics
• Modes of mechanical release of plastics
• Factors influencing the properties of plastics during hot processing (injection molding)
• Factors that influence the properties of plastics during use
• Investigating malfunctions / failure of plastic materials during use
• Generic steps to conduct a comprehensive investigation
• Diagnosis / investigation of plastic release
• Case studies
• Discussion. Examination. Close course
Trainer with more than 20 years experience in industry and consultancy with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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