Group Analysis Methods (Module 2)

Length: 2 days


Developing skills in multidisciplinary team identification of root causes in transactional and production processes at management and planning level and developing efficient solutions.

Target audience:
Members of the management team who want to develop organizational methods and implement continuous improvement methods.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
• Introduction
• Introduction to Group Analysis Methods
• The 7 statistical analysis tools
 - Diagram of affinities
 - Tree diagram
 - Decisional chart
 - Matrix diagram
 - Relationship diagram
 - Prioritization matrix
 - Diagram arrow (arrow diagram)
• The way in which problems arise
• Applications: Complex problem identification exercises within the organization
• Discussions. Examination. Closing the course

Trainer with more than 10 years experience in industry and consulting, with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

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310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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