MTM - 2nd Module - Universal Analysis System

Length: 5 days


Description and purpose: The participants will acknowledge the rules for the standard and proper use of the UAS building blocks.

Target audience: Administrators, specialists and managers in the field of industrial engineering, planning, time management, production, product and manufacturing equipment design work.

Duration of training: 5 days

Training agenda:

  • UAS building block system consisting of basic and standard operations with background information on their development and structural principles
  • Rules for the standard and proper use of the UAS building blocks
  • Practical exercises to consolidate the knowledge communicated during the course
  • An examination with a theoretical part and an analysis of UAS basic operations using a film

If a participant has successfully completed the MTM-1 examination and the SD or UAS or MEK examination or a different building block system, which is aggregated at a higher level, and has successfully completed the MTM Practitioner seminar and if their homework has been assessed positively, they receive the MTM Practitioner Diploma and the „Blue Card“, the internationally recognized certificate of proficiency for an MTM Practitioner, which is valid for three years.

Note: Please bring a calculator with you to the course.


Conditions for participation: Successful completion of the MTM-1 module

Trainer: experienced certified MTM instructor.


For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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