MTM - 3rd Module - SD (Standard Data)

Length: 5 days


The participant will know:
  • the process building block system MTM-SD and the development background.
  • the classification of MTM-SD in the systematics of the MTM process module systems.
  • the principles of the development of the process building block system of the base values.
  • the principles of development of multipurpose values.
  • the application requirements and areas of application of the MTM-SD.
The participant can use MTM-SD in practice, especially for:
  • Structuring, planning and design of processes and work systems.
  • Description and evaluation of processes.
  • Improvement of existing work systems.
  • Development and description of company-specific modules.
Duration: 5 days (8 hours/day, with all breaks included)

Training Content:
The MTM-SD process building block system and its development background
Principles of the development and structure of the standard data base values ​​(SD-BW) and the multipurpose values
Rules for the uniform and appropriate application of the MTM-SD process building block system
Practical exercises to consolidate the knowledge imparted

Entry Requirements:
Participation in the MTM-SD (MTM standard data) training requires the successfully passed exam in MTM-1 Base.
The MTM-1 certificate is recommended.

The MTM-SD training concludes with a written exam.
In exceptional cases, the examination board can order an additional oral examination.
After passing the MTM-SD exam, a certificate is issued.
In the event that the exam is not passed, this will be communicated in a separate letter and a neutral certificate of attendance will be issued instead of the certificate.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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