MTM - 4th Module - Practicioner seminar

Length: 5 days


Description and purpose: The MTM-Practitioner Seminar is based on the acquired skills in the MTM Basic System and one higher aggregated building block system.

Target audience: The training course addresses employees, specialists, and managers from IE, planning, time management, production, and product and equipment design.

Duration of training: 5 days

Training agenda:

The following topics will be covered:

  • Basics in ergonomic work process design
  • Planning, designing, and assessing work systems in terms of efficiency and ergonomic quality
  • Comparing solution alternatives
  • Applying the MTM design catalogue in case studies to select and use appropriate design elements

Processing operational tasks along the process chain is the superior learning objective. For this, goals are defined, and solutions worked out and evaluated.

The training is based on case studies on which the participants work in teams. The agreed approach and the results will then be presented, in much the same way as in practical work.

The successful completion of the MTM-Practitioner Seminar and a positive evaluation of the technical paper are the requirements for the Practitioner Diploma.

At the end of the Practitioner Seminar the groups present the results achieved while working on a complex problem; this procedure is in line with the Training and Examination Regulations of the International MTM Directorate.

Note: Please bring with you to the seminar: a calculator, the MTM-1 Manual, and all data cards.

Conditions for participation: A pass in the final exams in MTM-1 and the MTM UAS module, the exam dates dating back no longer than three years.

Trainer: experienced certified MTM instructor.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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