CNC operation: Introductory level - lathe

Length: 5 days


Objectives: Students will assimilate the knowledge necessary to operate CNC at a basic level.

Target audience: CNC operators (machining) in training or with a basic level of knowledge, technological engineers, staff interested in learning basic CNC knowledge

Duration: 5 days

Training agenda:
Day 1 (theory and practical applications in the classroom)
   • Introduction
   • Analysis of the part execution drawing
   • Tolerances and deviations resulting from the execution drawing
   • Establishing the possibilities of execution of the parts in the given conditions
   • Possible variants of technological itinerary
    o 2D and 3D view in execution drawings
    o Plan projections
    o Sections in the piece
   • Choice of cutting tools for different types of parts
    o Choosing the necessary tool holders for processing
    o Choosing the type of pills / carbide and their geometry
    o Establishment of processing additions for operations and phases
   • Establishing the SDV list and the technological itinerary
    o Installation sketch
    o SDV List
    o Technological itinerary
   • Track program

Day 2 (applications on the machine in the work area)
   • Operating modes on numerically controlled machines
    o Manual mode
       with maintenance, with self-maintenance, the use of the crank, the incremental working mode
    o Semi-automatic mode (using MDI mode (manual data input)
    o Automatic mode
       Continuous, Phrase by phrase, DRY RUN Module, Simulations (extension checks)
   • Use of basic functions for use in manual and semi-automatic mode (MDI)
    o T tool call ####
    o tool change M6
    o use of speed S ###
    o using the advance F ####
    o establishing the direction of M3 / M4 speed
    o starting / stopping the M8 / M9 coolant
    o setting the car's reference point (G53)
    o setting the part reference point (G54… G56)
    o establishing the number of machine origins and working variants

Day 3
   • Exemplify the knowledge acquired in the last hours of day 2
   • Turning technologies
   • Details with concrete exemplification on the car acquired on day 1
    o an installation sketch, SDV list, technological itinerary, part program
   • Choice of cutting regimes

Day 4 (theory and practical applications in the gym and on the car)
   • Basic functions in the CNC program part (OSP300L)
    o linear and circular movements
or timers
    o choice of tool T1… T32 ("tool")
    o choice of speed S5… S3000 ("speed")
    o choice of advance F0… F10000 ("feed")
    o determining the origin of the part G54 / G55 / G56 / G57 / G58 / G59
    o establishing the x / z / C / B movement coordinates
    o auxiliary functions [M] M3 / M4 / M5 / M9 / M8 /
    o introduction of tools in the database
    o establishing tool corrections in the program (G41 / G42 / 43 / G48 / G49)
    o choice of work plans (G17 / G18 / G18)
    o entering the radius correction of the pill (r0.4… .r [n]) in the table
    o establishing the work area of ​​the part
    o establishing safety plans
    o establishing the points of withdrawal / approach of the tool
   • Syntax of executing a program
   • Calling an existing program in memory
   • Insert a new program into memory
   • Modifying an existing program
   • Machine applications of these functions

Day 5 (applications on the machine in the work area)
   • Recapitulation of knowledge the day before
   • Choice of a piece by the customer
   • Establishing the execution steps of the part
   • Choice of cutting tools
   • Execution of the track program
    o piece execution
    o final measurements
    o analysis + optimization
   • Theoretical and practical examination

Legend: activity on the machine; activity in the hall
CNC machines considered: Okuma lathe

Experience of over 15 years in industry and consulting, with practical and theoretical expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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