Space Optimization and Effectiveness of Warehouse Activities

Length: 2 days


Objectives: The training will provide you with knowledge on warehouse operations, frequent problems in deploying warehouse activities, ways to optimize storage space, ways to deploy, measure and improve warehouse activities, problem solving basics, and ways to measure (indicators).

Target audience: It targets employees from different organizations working in warehouses or having direct business links with any of the components of the SCM. Personnel from production or service companies involved in the development, control or management of warehouse processes, warehouse directors, managers, logistics, procurement and procurement specialists, department heads, etc.

Duration: 2 days

  • Introduction
     o Presentation of participants, reader and cash flow
  • SCM - Logistics - Storage
     o Logistics History - Supply Chain
  • Deposits and Activities
     o Types of deposits based on stored materials
     o Internal transport types based on materials stored
  • Common problems in stock management
     o Old and outdated materials
     o Incorrect stocks or lack
     o Crowded / insufficient spaces
  • Space optimization
     o Deposit-specific elements
     o Map of the warehouse
     o Storage locations and transfer locations
     o Spaces used for other purposes and unused spaces
     o Solutions for space optimization
          Evaluation of material flows in warehouses
          LEAN in deposits
          ABC / XYZ stock categorization
          6S
     o Evaluation of the use of space
     o Safety stocks
     o Warehouse Space Optimization Exercise
  • Efficiency of activities
     o Efficiency: input and output
     o Loss-inducing elements
     o Measurement methods
          MTM (Methods-Time Measurement)
          VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
     o Planning and measuring activities
     o Employees competency matrix
     o CAMBAN and FIFO
     o Exercise Calculating Deposit Efficiency
  • Standardization and automation
     o Working procedures and instructions
     o Benchmarking
     o Problem solving:
          ISHIKAWA diagram
          5 WHY?
          PDCA
          Lessons learned
     o Computer systems in warehouses
  • Measurable indicators
  • Changes in the Quality Standard for SCM
  • Discussion. Examination. Training closure

Diploma: Graduation certificate will be issued after attending the course and passing the exam

Consultant: Over 10 years of experience in industry and consulting with expertise in the use of training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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