Workplace design, standardization and optimization

Length: 5 days


Objectives: The design, normalization and optimization of the workplace aims to study the optimization of the operator's activity in a machine or more, as well as the efficiency and load of a line.

Target audience: Process engineers, industrial engineers, production managers (foreman - production manager), people responsible for organizing the production site, logistics specialists.

Duration: 5 days

Training agenda:
Day 1:
• Opening the course. Presentation lecturer and participants;
• Introduction to Ergonomics. Purpose and evaluation criteria;
• Design and organization of a work environment (principles of work design). Applications and examples
• Anthropometry. Principles of the economy of motion for the design of industrial devices and equipment
• Organization of work at the computer. Applications and examples

Day 2:
• Rest time. Environmental factors;
• Yield. Time measurement; Applications and examples
• Types of influencing and non-influential sequences (structure and design);
• Synthesis of time (process and time types). Applications and examples

Day 3:
• Time recording principles. Introduction. Basic concepts;
• Time recording technique. The measuring point and the measurement procedure. Applications and examples
• Time measurement procedures; Time meters; Sequences for deployment;
• Applications; examples and practical evidence;

Day 4:
• Efficiency of the manufacturing line; Calculation of production line balancing;
• Determining the number of direct operators. Examples; applications;
• Gant Charts - Man / Car Load;
• Examples; applications
• Discussions. Examination. Ending the course

Day 5:
• Practical applications in the work area

Trainer with more than 12 years experience in industry and consultancy with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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