Qc Story

Length: 2 days


Understanding the QC Story Troubleshooting Methodology. Examining the 7 steps specific to the methodology and using the main tools - Flow Diagram, IPO, Pareto Diagram, Gantt Diagram, Ishikawa (Case-Effect Diagram), 5th What, Tree Chart / Tree Diagram, Brainstorming, etc. to use them in an optimal way - theory and practical application.

Target audience:
Personnel from manufacturing or service companies involved in running, controlling or managing processes - direct staff or staff from quality, production, maintenance departments, department heads, logistics specialists, customer service, etc.

Duration: 2 days

raining agenda:
• Introduction
• Introduction to QC Story
• Applying the QC Story methodology
 -P1 - The reason for choosing the problem
 -P2 - Problem status analysis
 -P3 - Action Plan
 -P4 - Cause Analysis - Effect
 -P5 - The Problem Solution
 -P6 - Confirm the result
 -P7 - Standardization
• Discussions. Examination. Closing the course

Trainer with more than 10 years experience in industry and consulting, with expertise in the use of training tools.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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