REFA 2nd Module - Methods of Data Determination

Length: 5 days


Acquiring competence in preparing, executing and evaluating a time study and getting familiar with current technology to support data collection in the context of the time study.

Training structure:

  • Perfomance Rating (3)
  • REFA Time Study - Execution and Evaluation (18)
  • Setup Time - Determination and Optimization (3)
  • Determination of Standard Data Elements (6)
  • Contingency Allowance Determination (4)
  • Activity Sampling (6)

Total lessons 40

The 40 lessons will last for 45 minutes, each.

Training information:
• 5 days from 09:00 to 17:00
• The course lecturer is from REFA GMBH Germany

Planned period and location:
Depending on planning (Continental Forum Hotel, Arad)

• The number of seats is limited to 15 participants / module.
• The registration will be made on the website of Effective Flux SRL ( at the "Contact" section.
• Places will be reserved only after the payment has been paid in full at least 15 days before the course starts.

Tariff: for the financial offer please contact us.
The fee/course/participant includes:
• Course support in English, in printed form, for all participants;
• Delivery in English;
• Lunch and 2 coffee breaks;
• Certificate issued by REFA in German with English translation.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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