SCM security management system according to ISO 28000 (introduction)

Length: 1 day


Introduction to the security management system of the ISO 28000 supply chain.

Objectives: to become familiar with the basic concepts of implementing and managing a supply chain security management system (SCSMS), as specified in ISO 28000.

Target audience: Supply Chain Management and supply chain staff. Employees involved in the implementation of the ISO 2800 standard and those involved in supply chain operations.

Duration: 1 day (8 hours, all breaks included)

Training agenda:
  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals of supply chain security
  • Interrelationships between ISO 28000 and other supply chain security standards
  • Key components of a supply chain security management system (SCSMS) according to ISO 28000
  • Efficient management of an SCSMS
  • Relationship between supply chain security management system, controls and compliance with the requirements of the various stakeholders of the organization
  • Discussions. Examination. End of training.

Over 16 years of experience in the industry and consulting with expertise in the use of course and training tools.

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