Six Sigma Black Belt

Category: SIX SIGMA
Length: 15 days


• Six Sigma is one of the most effective methodologies for solving problems;
• There are several levels of training in Six Sigma and these are differentiated by the level of complexity of the applied instruments: Yellow Belt, Champion, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt;
• In general, the first two levels (YB and Champion) are introductory and addressed to team members and Project Coordinators (those who allocate projects, usually managers);
• The Green Belt level is the first technical level, and graduating from this course must certify a level of knowledge sufficient to drive medium-sized improvement projects;

Target audience: staff from manufacturing or service companies involved in continuous improvement activities - quality engineers, process engineering, production, department heads, HR specialists, logistics, finance, customer service, etc.

The training is intended for those interested in setting and improving their skills in managing complex improvement projects using Six Sigma methodology and tools. The course includes 10 days (divided into 3 modules) of instructional theory + room applications and 4 days of consulting to complete a real improvement project allocated by the company. Certification is conditioned by participation in the training, passing the exam and ending the project. Admission to the course involves previous GB certification (10 days + project).

Duration: 15 days, divided into modules.

Training agenda:

• Module 1 includes: 4 days of training in which the following points will be reached:
- Phase of selection / financial approval of projects;
- Project team (roles, leadership styles, mentoring & coaching);
- Beneficiary analysis (RACI chart);
- Voice of the client;
- Project charter;
- Flow diagram and spaghetti diagram;
- VSM, understanding customer requirements;
- QFD (quality function deployment)
- Types of data and statistical analysis of processes;
- Prioritization matrix;
- Data collection planning.

• Module 2 includes: 1 day project consulting (C1) + 3 days training. In this module we will discuss:
- Graphic analysis with Minitab;
- Process measurement indicators;
- Identifying root causes;
- Evaluation of small changes with EWNA charts;
- Calculation for sigma level;
- Testing hypotheses;
- Reliable intervals
- Binal / Ordinal / Nominal logistic regression
- One / Two proportions
- Autocorrelation
- Determining the size of the sample

• Module 3 includes: 1 day project consultancy (C2) + 3 training days (including examination) and includes the following:
- Generating solutions;
- Introduction to the theory of constraints;
- VSM (future stage);
- Application - miniproject;
- DOE - General Factorial Design
- Process control through SMC
- 5S and standardization
- Management visual
- ISPC (auto-control)
- Concluding, documenting and managing projects
- DMAIC Summary

• 1 day consulting projects (C3)

• 1 day consulting projects (C4)

• 1 day for presenting projects

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt, specializing in controlling and optimizing production processes, quality, maintenance, logistics and human resources. Relevant experience in the automotive and other industries.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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