Six Sigma Green Belt Transactional

Category: SIX SIGMA
Length: 10 days


Training and coaching program

Training skills to lead improvement projects using DMAIC methodology and related tools, including statistics as well as MINITAB / SigmaXL statistical software.

Target audience: staff from service companies, involved in continuous improvement activities, heads of departments, specialists in Human Resources, Logistics, Financial, Customer Service, etc.

Description Six Sigma
• Six Sigma is one of the most effective methodologies for solving complex problems;
• There are several levels of training in Six Sigma and these are differentiated by the level of complexity of the tools applied: Yellow Belt, Champion, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt;
• In general, the first two levels (YB and Champion) are introductory and are addressed to team members and heads of departments, respectively (those who allocate projects, usually managers);
• Green Belt is the first technical level, and the completion of this course must certify a sufficient level of knowledge to lead improvement projects of medium complexity;

Six Sigma Green Belt - Transactional
The training program is intended for those interested in acquiring skills in leading improvement projects using the Six Sigma methodology and tools.
The presentation of the DMAIC methodology, of the afferent instruments, including statistics as well as of the applications in the hall lasts 6 days and allows to obtain a participation diploma.
The coaching and project presentation module (4 days) is recommended for the participants to have the benefit of the support from the consultant in the successful development of the first real project within their own company and the generation of benefits for the employer.
Successful completion of the project will allow the issuance of a GB Six Sigma Transactional Certificate.

Six Sigma Green Belt delivered by Effective Flux:
• Includes all the tools needed to solve problems
• Includes tool applications in the classroom
• Use MINITAB or SigmaXL software for easy use of statistical techniques. For this reason, throughout the program (about 6 months), participants must have access to computers with MINITAB or SigmaXL software installed.
• It can include coaching for the development, by each participant, of a real project, allowing the application in reality of the methodology and tools, generating for the client benefits that exceed the expenses of the course
• The coaching module includes 3 days of project consulting and 1 day for preparing and presenting projects to Top Management.
• It is one of the few on the market that is structured to achieve maximum customer satisfaction: employees ready to successfully complete improvement projects and recover training costs.

The granting of the Certificate is conditioned by the participation in the course, the graduation of the theoretical exam and the successful completion of the project within the given term. The certificate can also be obtained in case the project is delayed, but in this situation there will be a cost related to the additional evaluation of the project.

Delivered tools (partial list)
• Project Charter
• Flowchart
• Makigami diagram
• Cause-Effect Matrix
• Ishikawa / Fishbone diagram
• Analysis 5 Why
• Graphic Analysis - Pareto, BoxPlot, Histogram,
• Statistical Process Control / SPC - Control diagrams (attributive and continuous), Process capability
• Measurement systems analysis (MSA)
• Hypothesis Testing - Normality, ANOVA, Median Moods, Fitted Line Plot, Correlation, Regression
• Design of Experiments (DOE)
• Sign-off sheet

Training duration: 6 days, optional coaching and certification module (+ 4 days)

The training is delivered in modules, as follows:

• Module 1 (Definition and Measurement)
Date: Week 1
Duration and structure: 2 days theory of practical applications
-Introduction to Six Sigma;
-Flowchart (& SIPOC);
-Makigami-current stage;
-Customer's voice (VOC);
-Critical to quality (CTQ);
-Project charter;
-Cause-effect analysis;
-Data collection;
-Basic statistics;
-Graphic analysis.

• Module 2 (Measurement and Analysis)
Date: 3 weeks after module 1
Duration and structure: 3 days (1 day consulting 2 days theory of practical applications)
-Control diagrams;
-Measurement system analysis (MSA);
-Process Capability Analysis (SPC);
-Testing hypotheses; Test for Equal variance, ANOVA, t-test, Correlation, Regression

• Module 3 (Improvement and Control)
Date: 6 weeks after module 1
Duration and structure: 3 days (1 day consulting 2 days theory of practical applications)
-Summary 2 module;
-Makigami - the next stage
-Generation and selection of solutions;
-Design Of Experiment;
-Implementation of actions
-Verification of effectiveness;
-Maintaining improvements
-The examination takes place on the last day of this module

• Consulting (Coaching)
Date: 9 weeks after module 1
Duration and structure: 1 day consulting for projects

• Project presentation and certification
Date: 12 weeks after module 1
Duration and structure: 1 day presentation for projects

Total training days: 6
Total coaching days and projects presentation: 4

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt, specialized in process control and optimization, training and coaching experience for hundreds of improvement projects in various industries.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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