Standardization and Ergonomics

Length: 2 days


Objectives: Understanding and applying the concepts of 5S, standardization and ergonomics of the workplace in order to increase the performance in the workplace.

Target audience: Process engineers, industrial engineers, production managers (master - production manager), persons responsible for organizing the production site, logistics specialists, etc.

Duration: 2 days

Training agenda:
  • Introduction
  • Introduction to standardization
  • Stages in process design,
  • Introduction to ergonomics. Main goals and criteria
  • Working environment. Physical environment factors.
  • Designing and organizing a work environment.
  • Job uploading. Organization and structuring of work.
  • Anthropometry. Principles of motion economy for the design of industrial devices and equipment.
  • Application: evaluation and improvement of ergonomics at workstations
  • Discussion. Evaluation, examination. Completion of the course.

Tools presented:
  • Spaghetti diagram
  • Formulate 5S audit
  • Evaluation of ergonomic configuration

Trainer: Over 15 years experience in the industry and consultancy with expertise in the use of training and training tools.
For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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