Use of Catia software training

Length: 4 days


Objectives: familiarization and acquisition of skills in 3D / 2D design, using the Part Design / Assembly Design (3D) and Drafting (2D) modules of CATIA users.

Target audience: Design engineers with beginner or intermediate level in the use of CATIA software.
People with technical skills who want to develop these skills by acquiring new design methods and a structured work style.

Duration: 4 days (8 hours, all breaks included).

Training agenda:

Day 1
Construction of constrained sketches (Sketcher)
Worksheet Administration (Part Body, Geometrical Set)
Construction of various geometries using specific commands (i.e. Pad, Shaft, Pocket, Chamfer, Fillets, Draft etc)
Editing the template (Translate, Rotate, Symmetry, etc.)
Boolean operations

Day 2
Using the Generative Shape Design module for the construction of complex surfaces (introductory notions)
Editing features (Cut, Copy, Paste, Reordering, Defining in Work Object)
Parent-Child Relationship

Day 3
Inserting components (New Component, New Product, New Part, Existing Part)
Constraint of assembled components
Handling of components within the assembly

Day 4
2D session initialization
Format configuration
Drawing construction (inserting views, creating sections, auxiliary views, details, etc.)
Dimensioning of drawings (dimensions, tolerances, annotations, etc.) Application.
Making a piece using the information from the course

Diploma issued: confirmation of participation

Over 20 years of experience in production companies with expertise in the use of course and training tools. Practical design experience in the automotive industry, lecturing experience and over 6,000 hours of training delivered.

For more information, please contact us.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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