Arkite Platform

Arkite transforms workstations into a digital and interactive environment. It is the ultimate Operator Guidance platform.

The platform consists of:
• A 3D sensor (validate license only)
• An optical sensor (only with Vision license)
• A projector (Vision, Validate and Guide license)
• An industrial computer, containing the Arkite software (Vision, Validate and Guide license)

With the Guide license, the platform provides operators with real-time working instructions with projected augmented reality.
With the Validate license, the sensor validates the correct execution of work instructions and ensures quality performance by preventing human error.
With the Vision license, the platform further validates the correct execution of work instructions and with the optical sensor checks the state of the assembly at any stage, distinguishing between expected and wrong results.

Our innovative technology not only contributes to increased efficiency, but also improves the flexibility and quality of assembly processes. Manuals, checklists or handwritten protocols are now a thing of the past.


Thanks to the user-friendly interface of the software, engineers can create a project without programming knowledge.

For details, you can watch the videos below.




Arkite Platform - PLC & Smart Tool

Arkite Platform - Installed

For more information you can contact us at:
  • Mail:
  • Phone: +40 357 805 456

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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