Free Live Webinars

Like every beginning of the year, our company offers you a free series of short webinars. For this period we will cover the following topics:
13.01 (14:00) - Problem solving: 8D or PDCA
14.01 (11:00) - Problem solving: selecting the right methods
14.01 (14:00) - Six Sigma (DMAIC): levels of expertise and training requirements
15.01 (11:00) - Six Sigma: project coaching
15.01 (14:00) - Process vs. machine capability
16.01 (11:00) - Six Sigma: Proving effectiveness in projects
16.01 (14:00) - How to moderate a PFMEA session
17.01 (11:00) - Tools for root cause identification
17.01 (14:00) - Six Sigma: measuring the effectiveness of programs
27.01 (11:00) - Tools for Root Cause Identification
27.01 (13:00) - Graphical Analysis: Pareto and Timeline
27.01 (15:00) - KPI Manual Operations
28.01 (11:00) - 5S Introduction and Case Study
28.01 (13:00) - Graphical Analysis. Purpose and Main Tools.
28.01 (15:00) - Poka Yoke
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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