Improving the product functioning conditions

Project: Automotive industry consulting
Customer: Important manufacturer in the automotive field

Project objectives: Improving the operating conditions of the product in hot (+ 85 ° C), normal temperature (+ 23 ° C) and cold (-30 ° C) for the XXX model.
Initial situation: Multiple complaints from the end customer about the quality of the products. There is no correlation between the results of the Laboratory tests in the conditions from the manufacturing company and to the customer regarding the operating time for different conditions. Holes caused by hot particles were sometimes observed in the product bag. For a few cases, entrained plastic particles were observed at the opening, which could cause injuries to the passengers. Several 8D Reports on these considerations were open

Main activities: Establishment of multi-disciplinary teams (Production Engineer, Quality Customer, Process Engineer, Developer Engineer, Quality Consultant).
Studying the manufacturing processes both at the production unit in Romania and at the component supplier from abroad. Identify the causes that generated the situation, for each effect and for each condition for both the occurrence of the defect and for non-detection using both the Ishikawa Diagram and 5 Why.
MSA (Measurement System Analysis) testing to be convinced that we can trust the data measured by test inspectors.
Capability studies for operating times at all stages of the process (preliminary validation tests, production tests, customer tests) and for all temperature conditions.
Statistical methods for testing hypotheses were used to find methods to improve processes as well as DOE for optimization. Other studies on possible scenarios for gas leakage among the components of the lower part and comparison of the results with those of a similar model.

Results: The root causes that led to the side effects were identified.
The studies were interpreted, Action Plans were developed as a team and the most effective corrective actions were found and implemented. The design for a component of the product was changed and their manufacture was followed for the validation batch at the supplier from outside Romania. For optimization, the DOE (Design of Experiment) was also used. Procedures and instructions for the manufacturing and control process have been updated.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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