Six Sigma Program, 2023-2025

Project: Six Sigma training program with real projects

Client: multinational company producing components for the automotive industry


Objectives: training employees to Six Sigma Yellow and Green Belt competency levels and achieving significant savings as a result of the program

Initial situation:

The client requested a training and development program for staff, middle and top management employees to solve complex problems, based on the Six Sigma (DMAIC) methodology, using statistical tools with Minitab and real improvement projects

With experience of over 600 Six Sigma projects completed with our clients, Effective Flux was the most suitable provider for this task.

Main activities:

1. Definition of the training, consulting and project management program at the Yellow Belt level:

2 days training, +2 days of project consultancy, +1 day of project presentation and certification

2. Project selection and employee training
3. Project consultancy
4. Presentation of Yellow Belt projects and certification with the participation of Top Management
5. Selection of employees for the Green Belt level
6. Definition of the training, consulting and project management program at Green Belt level:

10 days of training divided into 3 modules, +4 days of project consulting, +1 day of project presentation and certification

7. Project selection and employee training
8. Project consulting
9. Presentation of Green Belt projects and certification with the participation of Top Management


  1. Total 12 training series - 10 Yellow Belt, 2 Green Belt
  2. 128 total training participants of which 108 Yellow Belt participants and 20 Green Belt participants
  3. 90 Yellow Belt projects completed, thus 90 Yellow Belt certified
  4. 19 Green Belt projects completed, thus 19 Green Belt certified
  5. Total annual savings approved at the end of the projects > 2,800,000 Euro of which:
  • > 1.700.000 Euro from Yellow Belt projects
  • > 1.000.000 Euro from Green Belt projects
  • Average savings/project ~ 26,000 Euro

Challenges and lessons learned in carrying out Six Sigma projects:

  • project selection must have an impact on the organization, but realistic, achievable and appropriately sized
  • clear definition of the objective to be achieved starting from the current stage, which was previously confirmed based on the correctness of historical data
  • continuous communication between the project team and the area managers where the project is carried out
  • planned (periodic) monitoring of the projects through the Champion and Sponsor.

Next steps:  

Following the results obtained, both financially and from employee development perspective, the client continues to allocate new Six Sigma Yellow and Green Belt projects to the newly certified.

Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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