Reducing costs due to raw material consumption

Project objectives: Reduction of costs due to raw material consumption, waste, equipment downtime.

Initial situation: Large amounts of waste from processing, long downtime due to both mechanical and electrical defects, additional consumption of utilities.

Main activities:
• DMAIC training and related tools (Flowchart, Pareto, Box Plot, 5 Why, Ishikawa, SPC, MSA, ANOVA, Median Moods test, Regression, DOE), using MINITAB statistical software
• Presentation of the specific Effective Flux for Six Sigma projects
• Assistance in correctly identifying and defining projects
• Leading by each participant a real Six Sigma GB project
• Coaching for successful completion of projects
• Presentation of completed projects to Top management
• Certification of participants

8 Six Sigma projects successfully completed with an annual saving of over $ 1.3 million.
The savings, as mentioned in the Sign Off sheet and signed by Top Management, came from:
• reduction of parking,
• waste reduction,
• reduction of metal consumption with implications on environmental protection, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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